Accessing the Role Management Center
On the ProClient Dashboard, click Settings from the left side menu. The select Permissions
You will be taken to the Role Management center. This page shows a tabled list of all existing roles that can be assigned to team members.
Role Management Actions
The table shows the number of users assigned per role. You will also see a couple of action buttons: View permissions and Copy Permissions.
Clicking on View Permissions for a role will open a pop-up window listing all customizable permissions. Next to each one are checkboxes labeled View, Add, Update, Delete, and Manage. These show which actions are permitted to a user with the given role.
Customizing Permissions for a Role
If you want to change the permissions for a role, you can click on a checkbox to activate or deactivate permission.
You will see a pop-up window that says, "This is a system Role, would you like to copy this Role to create your custom Role?" If you agree, a pop-up window labeled "Copy Role" will be shown.
By clicking on the checkboxes, you can fine-tune a user’s permissions to perform all kinds of actions. For example, you can alter their permission to View, Add, Update, Delete, and Manage an appointment. You can allow them to perform all those actions, or select only the specific actions they are able to do.
"Copy to New" Process
The “Copy to new” button is used for creating a new role with similar permissions to an existing role. When you click on “Copy to new,” from the role you want to copy. This will open a pop-up window that will allow you to name the new Role and make any changed to permissions for this new role.
It is the same pop-up that is shown by “View permissions” with one important distinction. It shows a Name field that you need to fill out. Enter the name of the new role, then customize the permissions for it. You can do this by checking or unchecking the boxes shown.
Click on “Save” to confirm the creation of the new role.