Be sure to enable texting before you set up your clients
Account defaults
Accessing Clients List
First, go to the Customers or Recent Customers action button on your Dashboard. On the page that opens, search for the name of the client for whom you wish to set up text messaging.
When you find the client you're looking for, click on their name. This will take you to their client profile in ProClient CRM.
Sending the Request to Set Up Text Messaging
On the client profile, you will see a listing for the client's mobile phone number. If there is no number listed, you can edit the client profile to add a mobile phone number.
Next to the mobile phone number is a button labeled "Send Request Invite." Clicking this button will send an SMS message to the client.
Then you have to wait for the client to respond to the SMS message.
Text Messaging Activation
The client will receive a code number to text in reply. Sending this code number will activate ProClient's text messaging function for use with the client's mobile number.
Receiving the Client's Text Messages
Upon confirmation of the client's mobile number, you will receive a notification in your ProClient account. You will see a word balloon with a colored indicator beside your account name.
The indicator tells you that a new text message has been received and also shows the number of messages waiting to be read.
Clicking on the new message indicator will take you to the Recent Conversations page, showing the latest SMS messages that were exchanged between you and the client.
Using the Text Messaging Feature
You can access the text messaging feature from the client's CRM profile. On the client profile, the button beside their mobile number is labeled "Messages."
Clicking on "Messages" will open a pop-up window showing recent SMS messages exchanged between you and the client. You can type a message here and send it. The client will receive this message on their mobile phone's text messaging app.