Role Management
Go to Settings, under your name right side, click Settings, then click Role Management.
You can create a new role in the Role Management center. This page shows a tabled list of all existing roles that can be assigned to team members.
Copying an Existing Role to a New Role
Click on “Add New Role.” This brings up a dialog box saying “Would you like to copy an existing Role?”
Click on “Yes” if you want to copy the configuration of an existing role in creating the new one.
If you click on “Yes,” you will see a dropdown selection menu from which you can choose the role you wish to copy.
After selecting the role, you will be able to view all the permissions as configured for that role. Next to each permission, you will see checkboxes labeled View, Add, Update, Delete, and Manage.
Configuring Permissions
By clicking on the checkboxes, you can fine-tune a user’s permissions to perform all kinds of actions. For example, you can alter their permission to View, Add, Update, Delete, and Manage an appointment. You can allow them to perform all those actions, or select only the specific actions they are able to do.
You will also see a Name field. Enter the name of the new role you wish to create. Click on “Save” to confirm the creation of the new role.
Adding a Role without Copying
If you click on “No,” you will open a pop-up window showing all customizable permissions. Next to each one, you will see checkboxes labeled View, Add, Update, Delete, and Manage. All the boxes are unchecked by default.
You will also see a Name field. Enter the name you want to give to the new role, then customize the permissions for it. Click on “Save” to confirm the creation of the new role.